Wednesday 18 June 2008

Pete Wentz - Wentz Wants To Know Babys Sex

Expectant father PETE WENTZ has no plans to follow celebrity trends and keep the sex of his first-born a surprise - he wants to know whether his new bride ASHLEE SIMPSON will be delivering a son or daughter.

The couple confirmed baby reports at the end of May (08) after refusing to talk about the rumours for weeks, and now Wentz wants to know whether he'll be the father of a boy or a girl.

He tells In Touch magazine, "I'd like to know the sex of the baby. It would be a bummer if you bought a boy a bunch of pink stuff!"

And the rock star insists he and Simpson will be having a big family: "I want either a band or a football team or a good geometry club."

He and the pop star married in California last month (May08).

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